Tuesday, June 02, 2009

We need religion class ASAP.

Last night before bed, I laid next to Lola and told her to pray with me.

Flea had emailed the day before in regards to my post, "You know, maybe this is something you should ask Lola to pray about. It would be a good lesson in prayer and talking to God, as well the gravity of decisions." I thought about it and realized it was worth a try on my head-strong daughter. To her God is a mythical creature with powers stronger then the tooth fairy. I had nothing to lose.

And so, I encouraged Lola to ask God a question about what sports we should sign her up for and maybe her heart would answer. She looked up at me inquisitively, "You mean... I can ask God questions and he will answer?" I explained enough to extinguish her curiosity. Minutes later Lola, not missing a beat, smiled.

"Gymnastics and horse back riding. My heart told me so."

"Good. Those are very good choices for the fall."

"But I want them to be all day long, Mama. All day long riding a horse and all day long gymnastics. Just like you signed me up for all day long kindergarten."

"Hmmmm... I don't know about all day long."

"Ok. Well. How about a pony then?"

"Yeah... I don't think so, Lola."

"Ok. Well. Dear God. Will you please buy me a pony with blond hair just like mine?" She carefully stroked her blond curls and then shouted "Amen!"

Dear God. Seriously, why a blond pony?

36classy comments:

Unknown said...

She's talented in SO very many ways! ; ) Good idea on the praying and I'm glad she narrowed it down herself.

Loukia said...

Oh my God, she is so cute and so very clever! So funny. Little children say the funniest things, don't they? And sometimes, they're way too smart for us!

Anonymous said...

kids are hilarious.

Heather said...

Tell her that she can't ride horses all day long-it will make them so tired that they can get sick.

Do you have a place around where she can actually work at a barn? Little chores like scrubbing buckets or grooming horses or anything. That may help her. Also I know that girl scouts does a day camp w/ horses and you don't have to be girl scout to do it.

Managed Chaos said...

Don't ya just love those bedtime conversations? So innocent and often so funny. At least you got an answer to what she really loves to do.

Crystal D said...

Oh goodness she is such a smart little girl. I have a funny feeling that she is going to have a web of people wrapped around those little fingers of hers.

Tyne said...

OhMommy, you know I love this stuff! Keep it coming...

I am sure that the Lord will lead her in just the right direction (and maybe even grant her that precious blonde pony).

Al_Pal said...

*snort* oh dear...

Maybe in time, if she likes them both enough, she can move up to Vaulting: Gymnastics on Horseback!

(I did it at summer camp a few years, it ruled!)

Jennifer said...

Brunette's unite!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Allie is recently four, and I am in a very similar situation with her. Some kids are just that kid. I mean that in a good way, of course. I think I'll try the same with her. I'm sure she'll pick gymnastics as one of her activities, because she excelled up a few classes when she started. But it all still worries me sometimes. I like that it keeps her busy and challenged, but I still sort of wish she was a baby and her main activity was still crawling around our floors. of course, that would mean going back to diapers (so never mind). Also, if you ever want to chat about it, hit me up on gchat or skype. I'm shamelesslysassy.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

These kinds of things never quite work out as planned, do they? ha ha!

Anonymous said...

My theory of the selection of the kids activities is such:
You need an athletic, something to challenge yourself mentally as well as physically. Something you can potentially take yourself to college with. And preferably something lifetime, like tennis, golf or swimming. Something you can do no mater where you live, where you visit or your state in life. And you need a fine art, something you can do at a talent show, something you could do in a pageant and something you can do for your future in laws to impress them.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's so special about being blond but I love my brunette hair! Maybe when she hits puberty she'll become a drop dead gorgeous brunette like her mama!

Karen said...

Maybe now would not be a good time to tell you that I once had a dream (about a year ago) that you bought a pony from us.

Indy said...

LOL. I love that she loves her blonde hair. It cracks me up.

GypsiAdventure said...

...because blonds have more fun! :) hehe

Stephanie said...

She's adorable. And you taught her something really important. She'll eventually figure it out. :)

jen said...

better a blond pony than a pink pony ... i have no idea how i'm EVER gonna pull that off.
horses kept me out of a lot of trouble when i was younger ... i would say go for it.
riding is a lot of work for parents ... but ... it teaches a crapload of responsibility and there is no "i'm tired" or "i don't want to" with horses ... you are entirely responsible for someone else.
and they give so much love back. i will wholeheartedly continue to push my girls towards horses ...

MIT Mommy said...

So sweet. I love the fact that my brunette friend has the blondies.

Tara R. said...

At least she picked her activities. Now maybe you can work on the concept that even God might answer 'no.'

Lola is adorable.

Courtney said...

She is so cute and hooked on blonde...I love it that she loves herself so much.

Why not said...

Very smaaaaart!

Jessica said...

She is one clever girl. Yay for her decision!

the planet of janet said...

when you figure out what's so great about blondes, will you let me know?? perhaps i will better understand my daughter then ...

Stephanie said...

Such a blessing you have in Lola! It's very important, IMHO, to make sure she's the one leading her activities, otherwise she'll miss the point of being able to develop her talents. God gives us talents and she seems to excel in a lot, so it's important to make sure those talents are being used in a way that's pleasing to God. Good luck with everything!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

What a sweet moment.

I will say this about a pony - having grown up competing in horse shows, I think that the pony-owning does teach a certain sense of responsibility. It also generally kept us out of trouble. Sure, you may have to triple mortgage your house and eat every other day to afford one, but what price important life lessons?

Hailey said...

I love Lola. So cute and strong willed. She reminds me of my Caroline who informed me just the other night that she doesn't like me anymore. Ha! She will be 3 in July. I am in for a ride, huh?

Marinka said...

I don't think that you need religion class. I think you need divine intervention.

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

LOL, okay that is one of those cherished moments.

Heidi said...

I love this. Of course a blond pony to go with her blond curls...it makes perfect sense.

My husband prayed with our daughter a couple of nights ago and asked her if she 'saw' anything. She saw a red heart. I just thought that was the sweetest thing. I love hearing what kids have to say. They're far more open than we are.

I came by way of Underdogs by the way. :)

Chandra said...

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; be who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

I think she took care of all of the above, God bless her! She is a girl who wants what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it!

Blessings From Above said...

She is just too funny!!! I love her sassy self!

The Daily Stroll said...

She is one smart girl! and funny! Glad she listened to her heart :)

Zoeyjane said...

It could be worse. A unicorn.

Anti-Supermom said...

Maybe Lola should pray herself for a few of those extra days in the week :)

I love that she wanted a blond pony, that's so Lola~

Jaina said...

Haha. Oh dear. You win some and you lose some, right? Horseback riding and gymnastics sound like good choices. Blonde ponies...well, that just sounds absolutely Lola. :)


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