Monday, June 29, 2009

Easier vlogged than blogged.

One mama, three kids and eight hours of travel... we made it to Chicago and my tiny digital camera secured to my minivan's dashboard documented our family road trip.

Laugh with me through my second vlog...

Vlog #1 is here.

72classy comments:

maggie said...

Possibly my favorite vlog ever. I love the layout like a video scrapbook. Hope it was fun times in Chi-town (my hometown).

Managed Chaos said...

OMG...I loved that vlog. Best I've ever seen! Looks like you've been having some fun on your new Macbook ;o)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I gotta ask, what kind of camera did you use for that? :)

Irene said...

That was SO cool!!! I do have much respect for any mom of 3 little ones who attempts such a trip on her own.

I also loved the scrap book layout. How in the heck do you do that?

tiarastantrums said...

yes, this is the BEST city EVER!
Welcome home!

Sarah said...

LOVED this! You are one brave Mama!

Anonymous said...

1. Maybe the night before my 2nd road trip of the summer with three children and no husband was NOT good timing to watch this?

2. I LOVES that your kids fell asleep before the turnpike ended. Mine do that EVERY.TIME. Either that or when I am 20 miles to EMPTY.

3. LOVES that your boy child mocked your pose in the bathroom mirror (did you see that?)

4. Where was that boy child when you were driving into "Cago" ?? Did you strap him to the luggage rack?

5. You are going to share the scrapbook video tip with us, right? Right????

Classily done, friend. Both the vlogging and that you managed the trip with a smile along the way!

Dandelion Momma said...

That was wonderful. I woke my husband up with my laughing. You can apologize to him later...

Kash said...

Hysterical. I nearly died watching FIFI with her tantrum while you were still in the driveway. Does she not like road trips? She seemed very adamant that she did NOT want to get on the road. I love them so much. Miss them already. See you Friday. FYI, the kids were a huge fit. My future MIL is obsessed with them.

Ainsley* said...

hilarious! I LOVE your vlogs! lol (i know i know there have only been 2!)

Marketing Mama said...

That was awesome! Loved it! :)

Anonymous said...

You are my hero. I have a hard time making road trips with one dachshund....much less 3 children with such VIBRANT personalities!! ;)

By the way, the dachshund, Freddy, was highly interested in "the toddler's" concert. Freddy was all up in the screen...doing the head-tilt...and whining, er, singing along!! TOO FUNNY!

Meg said...

i like your dad's reaction to marker baby. classic.

Unknown said...

Love it! Great scrapbook montage use for the video!

Unknown said...

I could just kiss your father, he's the sweetest!

And I was totally nodding when you were asking if we know what happens when you stop a car with sleeping children...

Awesome vlog of REAL life OhMommy! : )

Kari said...

Awesome vlog!

6.5 hour road trip with 3 kids...I bow to your greatness. And yes, I do know what it's like when a car full of sleeping children stops - it's not pretty. Hope it wasn't too bad for you!

Chiloe said...

Thnaks !!! It was soooooooooooo good !!!! I really enjoyed it ;-)

Sarah G said...

Loved your vlog. Hilarious!

Mama Smurf said...

That was fun to watch! Thanks for sharing.

Ellyn said...

We have made that very same drive twice in this last three weeks. My husband has family in Wisconsin. We stopped at that same rest stop and play with those same arcade games. We sat in that same traffic staring endlessly at the Sear Tower.
P.S. Our kids always wake up when you stop for tolls. we've always said they should have special lane for parents with sleeping children.
P.S.S Loved the Vlog. Really great work.

Phillips Family said...

Love, Love, Love this!

Indy said...

Brave. I would be worried that a camera would catch me going off of the deep end. My secrets stay with me...

Unknown said...

I couldn't do it. Nope. My bald head would be even balder and the steering wheel would have teeth marks all over it.

haniaski said...

OMG,love it

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Best vlog, ever! Loved it.

Hope you are having a great time with the fam.

You'll have to tell us how you did that:)

Chrissy said...

That was priceless! I loved it! How on earth did you make that great slideshow with video?? You rock!

Stephanie said...

Glad you made it there safely! Love the vlog! You ventured into territory I'd NEVER go into! I'm quite impressed!

Lynette3boys said...

That was fantastic! I was reliving our drives home through your vlog. You're one funny lady!

Anonymous said...

That was totally awesome. It was so worth waking the hubby up while I watched it.

MommyTime said...

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I laughed out loud, HARD, when I calculated that it had taken you an hour and a half to go ten miles to that first rest stop. I was laughing with you, though, because that's totally our trips. After you actually get underway, it's manageable, but the negotiations over DVD players, pillows and snacks that it takes to get underway? Oy Vey. Good for you for keeping a sense of humor about it all!

Jen said...

You are teh awesome! I love the vlog!

Junebug said...

What a great video. I loved the layout too. It really was fun to watch. Thanks.

McMommy said...

This was a HILARIOUS and amazingly put-together vlog!!!

Jo Ashline said...

Okay. First of all, you're a MILF!! and secondly, how cute is that Vlog???? LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing! And dziadziu is so cute!!!


Quarantine Hobby said...

Oh this cracked me up at times! Great vlog.

"I was swearing on the inside." OMG story of every mom's life, no?

Kat said...

BA!!! This stupid computer won't let me watch your vlog! GRRRRR. I'll try again later.

Katie said...

I absolutely loved this! It made me feel normal. ;) BTW, where did you get your cute skirt? I think I need it.

Heather said...

Love this! Looks like the trip was very interesting. Can't wait to see the return trip.

The 5 Bickies said...

That was great! It's always a panic when they are crying and having to pee when you haven't even left yet! Glad you got there safe and sound.

the planet of janet said...

oh, honey, you are my new hero for having survived that!!

Crystal D said...

HA! I am not sure if I feel better or worse about the 8.5 hour trip to the beach at the end of the week. I am guessing this trip takes us about 12 hours instead.

I know I am not bringing markers. LOL

I am P said...

Twinkle Twinkle, you made it to cago, vlogging is fun! :)

Unknown said...

As my mother would say...Rany Boskie! You are brave Pauline, so very brave. I wonder now, how the hell I ever drove from Chicago to Melbourne FL alone with two children? Loved the Vlog, especially the end where one happy dzidzia is reunited with his grands!

Hailey said...


You need to vlog more often.

PS- You deserve some type award for going on that long of a roadtrip by yourself with 3 kids. You are super-freaking-woman.

Blessings From Above said...

I love this vlog! Your commentary (both oral and written) was priceless.

Good luck on the trip home!!!

Courtney said...

I love it...I love your dad asking Fifi what happened to "Dad, it's a roadtrip and she was quiet for a half hour, who cares that she colored herself." Have fun in "Cago!"

imbeingheldhostage said...

LOVEd this-- I hope Kat gets it worked out, because KAT, it took me over 15 minutes to load it (Uk broadband, almost like having none) and was worth every minute :-)
Loved the scrapbook layout-- and hey, Miss Ky knows that exact version of Twinkle Star. said...

LOVE it. I can't wait to really meet you, now.

And the marker just clinched it. I love your kids too, now.

.jimaie.marie. said...

this was AMAZING. seriously, how much do i love your precious little children?! And ohhh fifi, you would get along so well with my little Malachi!
Your dad seems like such an amazing Grandpa, I giggled when I saw him greet his grandbabies :D
You hung in there like a champ OHMommy!!! AND stay cool calm and looked mighty classy all the while! oh oh oh i am impressed :D

Diva's Thoughts said...

I love that video!!! lol

abdpbt said...

I loved this. So cute. Really, just so cute. I got nothing.

Tara R. said...

Great vlog. You've got some mad editing skillz. I love the shades too.

AreWeThereYet? said...

Wow! Awesome. Awesome vlog. You are the master! Have a great time in "Cago." And safe travels home. Wonder what that trip's vlog will look like.....

aka - 2sexy4myvan

Loukia said...

OMG, this was HILARIOUS and I seriously cannot believe you did this road trip on your own with 3 children! Wow, I bow down to you, I feel like the greatest mom ever if I manage to take both kids to the grocery store by myself! Wow... impressive! LOVED watching this VLOG!


Oh Dedo! I love Dedo's expressiveness when he sees Fifi!! Oh, radostvo!!!

Love this layout of the vlog. PERFECTION!

Jennifer said...

You are so brave to drive that far alone with three kids. I better not show this to my parents.

LOVE your vlogs!

The Daily Stroll said...

Love, Love , Love the vlog! And yes, I know what happens when you stop the car with sleeping children ;) I also loved how Fifi was covered in marker! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of the vlog is when the younger girl ( I get nicknames mixed up) is singing at the top of her lungs, and the older girls is looking out the window and then looking back with an 'STFU' look on her face. hahaha. I loved it.

thatgirlblogs said...

how did you do that layout???!!!

loved it!

Amy said...

I love this so much!! How fun! you are the Vlog master.

And yes, how did you do the layout??

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

That was one of the best vlogs...ever! Super cute...

Tami said...

Loved that! I so remember those days. I was impressed they could all ride in the same seat for that long. Mine would have been yelling he's touching me!!! (And at my house instead of bribery I like to call in incentive :)

Life As I Know It said...

OMG. THAT was funny. You are a brave, brave woman road tripping solo with 3 kiddos.

Lisa said...

you are a freaking rock star....that was so awesome! You will LOVE having that when they are all grown-up!!!
PS - how did you do that? Seriously - fabulous!
pss - have you ever heard kanye's Chicago"? you might like it!!!

Anti-Supermom said...

That vlog is hilarious. There is no shame in a little bribery.

Kelly said...

Girl you are brave to drive that long of a drive by yourself with 3 kids. I honestly don't know if I could do it! I hope you have a great time in Chicago!!

Jennifer said...

How have I not seen this yet? Hilarious!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

That was great! And since I've driven that route myself with three kids, I could totally relate, although I've never been brave enough to do it myself!

You're in Chicago! Cago! Cago!

Too adorable!

Anonymous said...

You are a total professional! How great did that turn out! Makes me want to go out and get a new video recorder.
Glad you made it there!

Nan Patience said...

AWESOME!!! You are soooo talented.

the mama bird diaries said...

This is awesome. Love it.

And you look fantastic!

Ed said...

That was priceless! Dear Lord, it took you forever to get to Chicago!

I had vivid memories of my spring break road trip with my brood to Louisiana (my video camera died). I am now also dreading our road trip to North Carolina in just a couple of weeks.


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