Monday, June 15, 2009

I knew that one day my blog would bite me back.

The Feenster, at 28 months old, has officially entered the terrible twos stage. Ten months ago. Okay, eleven months ago She's now fiercely independent, stubbornly refuses any help and everything is hers.

"Dat mine, Mama."



"That pony is yours?"

"Yesh. Dat mine, Mama."

"That brown one in the field?"

"Yesh. Dat mine."

"The $40,000 blue ribbon show horse is yours, Fifi?"

"Yesh, Mama. Dat mine pony."

"The one that cost $500 a month to board, is yours?"

"Dat mines. Mama."

"It's yours?'



"Yesh. I take it my home."

I did vow to buy her a slightly used pony before. She can't possibly be reading my blog during her nap time. Right? She's only two and I thought I had at least a couple of years before the kids would take any interest in my online writing gig.

I should start making things up from now on. Dearest Lola. Today you promised me that you would never roll your eyes at me, as a teenager. Dearest Jay. Yesterday you said you didn't want a car on your 16th birthday because you love riding buses.

Heh. I'm on to you kiddos.

Check out my review blog. Giving away a new blog design here. And tickets to see the Little Shop of Horror in Cleveland, here.

29classy comments:

TMCPhoto said...

I am so there, however I am fortunate enough to be able to still use the art of distraction. if I meow at the Peanut she stops all talk of mine mine mine and meows back, it helps that she believes with her whole heart and body that she IS as kitty. As for the reading your blog during naptime; I'd look into getting a nice teddy-cam, catch 'em in the act and sell the video for big bucks. A genius toddler on film has got to be worth something....

Kari said...

Oh the terrible two's! How fun are they?! Taking wo minutes to get shoes on, when you are already running behind; and the like! Ugh. And in less than two years I will be going through it again! Unfortunately I don't know if by then Charlotte will have out grown HERS!
But, enough about ME. This post is great! I love the way you tell a story! It sounds as if our little ones would be great buds! Or maybe not! They probably would fight over everything!! Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that will work for me at Neiman's today?

'Dat Mine!'
'Those? Those delicious new Pedro Garcia flats?'
'Yesh, I take them home with me.'

Marinka said...

Yeah, but you never promised her a HORSE. Hello, loophole.

jen said...

that picture is amazingly wonderful. i LOVE it.
and i would SO use that as leverage to get my husband to own into the buying a horse deal. except i would buy younger and do the training for them to get the horse later on ... see ... i've already thought about this. said...

She's using positive thinking; if she says it enough, it will come true, right?

Unknown said...

That's funny - and good luck with the other two. But somehow, I think they're probably a step or two ahead of you already.

Karen said...

She does have good taste though. That is one classy horse. I'd claim him if Fifi hadn't already.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

This is exactly why I love toddlers. They are infuriating - but don't we all admire their moxie? Even just a little bit?

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful picture!!! And my Chicken knows his "L's" and "T's" so entirely possible that Fifi is already reading, even though they share the same birthday!

Courtney said...

That is funny...I will have to blog fake promises too.

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Funny, but - PONIES! Pretty pony in the picture!

Maybe your daughter has somehow stumbled upon that new-age "Secret" business (or what we used to call "wishful thinking"), where if you say and think something, it magically comes into your life?

Amy said...

The first picture of her is SO sweet.

Shark Boy knows I have a blog but so far, has zero interest in what I might be writing about. I think he is just assuming that, whatever a blog is, it's not about him.


Lisa said...

she's so dang cute though. maybe you should buy her the pony. who needs a college education anyway :)

Anonymous said...

Children don't read blogs...

They do read minds though...I'm convinced of that...

Unknown said...

It's funny that you mention making things up for future reading...I just posted about wanting to keep my kids the age they are now forever (7 months and 4 in a few weeks) I'm loving my oldest because she is back into playing independently now, but still has the innocence of loving us so much, and being honest, and trusting, etc. I was personally thinking about making some videotapes of her promising to never do bad things that I know she'll be doing as she gets older :)

Karen MEG said...

Gorgeous shot, of her and her pony there ;).

"Dat mine..." becomes "That's mine..." I'm thinking for at least the next 20 or so years in my little diva's case!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

dude! We just saw little shop of horrors a high school production.. it was HORRIBLE. as in really really rotten, but...

perfect to take your kids to for $6 a pop and not caring if you need to leave at intermission..(which we didn't)..

Anyway.. hey... this is lame but am begging ya to check out my summer series: Saving Mom's Sanity week three... (hint: go buy LOTS of rubbing alcohol!)

Flea said...

Man, if that only worked ...

Anonymous said...

I have a little notebook where I record all of the funny promises that Allie makes me. I plan on repeating them to her every time she goes back on one of them.

Unknown said...

No car and buses instead? Yeah, that one's a stretch girlfriend! ; ) Thanks for the giggle!

My G is just over 2 and EVERY.THING. is "Ma this!" "Ma that!" (ma being "my") and ME DO IT!! It now takes 5 minutes to get him in his car seat since he thinks he can strap himself in. Ugh!!

Why not said...

hahahaha, smart girl...

carrie said...

Ha! Let me know if that works and I'll try it too!

Tara R. said...

I keep threatening to write stuff down too, because my memory of promises are not anywhere like what The Boy remembers.

Ms. Sarah said...

lol thank you for sharing. I needed that laugh.

Island Twins Mama said...

Just be glad you don't have TWIN 28-month-olds. He said/she said, 24 hours a day. Mine, No Mine, NO MINE. Gotta love it. Or gotta go swimming.

Loukia said...

Can I just say what a lovely picture that is? She's so cute! And ah, yes, the terrible two stage... that starts way before the 2nd birthday and um, I still haven't really figured out when it ends - my oldest is almost 4 so I'm hoping 4? That is the magic number, right? ;)

Blessings From Above said...

The Feenster is just too cute!

Love the picture...looks like it belongs on a postcard.

Jaina said...

She is too cute. I love the way she says "yesh". Too cute.


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