Monday, June 22, 2009

This home remodel post is rated PG13

Before our remodel someone enlightened me and said, "You should pick out things that resemble your wardrobe."

Naturally that statement hit home, tickled me pink and made all kinds of wonderful sense to me. And. That is how I designed my kitchen. The granite is a sexy black number with subtle imperfect hints of bling. The cabinets a classic demur white distressed every so slightly for a bohemian feel. The chandeliers a traditional number with shabby chic accents of crystal. The wood floor a wide plank carefully handcrafted to rustic perfection.

My kitchen will be like one awesome well put together outfit.

But just like shopping for an outfit I realized how predictable I truly am. Last week at JCrew I feel head over stilettos in love with a chunky pearl necklace that I baptized it upon arrival at home bestowing it the name of "Mary-Margaret" and introduced her to "Sally" and "Lolita" and all the other girlfriends. The necklaces spread out on my dresser looked like a group of sassy Delta Delta Deltas, all nearly identical to one another.

The same can be said for my new yet to be baptized kitchen cabinets.

Meet the graduating sorority sisters:

old laminate 1980's cabinets

Meet the incoming class soon to be hazed by toddler fingerprints:
new wood so 2010 cabinets

Here the two friends pose for a picture together:

Here is the husband welcoming undressing the new class:

Yeah. Perhaps a little predictable but all kinds of lovely nonetheless. I could shock you all and purchase a rocking fuchsia table runner that will make the cabinets purr with excitement.

30classy comments:

Managed Chaos said...

I heart those chandeliers something fierce. And I love that you were able to put your personal fashion style into your new kitchen. Can't wait to see the "after" shot, ya know, in 2010 when it's all done *wink*

Barking Mad! said...

OK, where's the PG'ness in all this? *lol*

I don't envy you the chaos or mess during the remodel. We are almost completely done with our kitchen remodel, the worst of it being when they brought the brand new granite counters in and they BROKE! I wept.

Thankfully the second time around was golden and aside from some touch up work and molding that needs to be placed under the cabinet and new microwave over the stove, we are almost done. Thank God!

Your cabinets are to die-for-gorgeous! Seriously!

Auds at Barking Mad!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Oooooh! LOVING those cabinets. Can't wait to see the rest.

Rachel said...

Hey - you're not poking fun at Delta Delta Delta's are you??? Ha ha ha.

Love the cabinets - they're very similar to mine.

Good luck with the remodel. I hope it goes quickly for you.

Tyne said...

Great choices and oh so classy... but I am with Auds, where's the PG-13? Or was that just to pull us in? Not like you need a big teaser or anything!

Al_Pal said...

Tee hee. GL with the remodeling! & woohoo! :D

Flea said...

When you said that about your wardrobe, I thought, she's going to go all black?

Why change out the cabinets when they look so much alike? They old ones look like they're in great shape.

Jessica said...

I think the cabinets are different enough to be noticable. Can't wait to see the finished product! I'm sure it will be great!

Tara R. said...

The 'girls' are lovely, and should be the envy of all well-dressed kitchens this season.

Indy said...

It looks great. It really does.

Unknown said...

So, are you eating out a lot? Just curious.

P.S. Your kitchen re-do will take A LOT less time than mine. All in all mine took about 4 years (we did it in stages.)

Those cabinets are a great way to start for your beautiful new 2010 kitchen! : )

Natalie Jane said...

That is the most turned on I have been since my baby was born :)

I gave you a little award on my blog today. FYI

Hailey said...

Love it! It is going to look fabulous!

Allison M. said...

i wonder why my affinity for stilettos would fit into my decorating.

Rachel said...


Love and adore all that you've picked out.

Very sexy Classy with just a hint of StilettHo ;-)

Ali said...

I am pretty sure I would do the exact same thing. predictable...but, hey, what's wrong with predictable when you have good taste? ;)

Blessings From Above said...

I love, love, LOVE the new cabinets and chandeliers! So classy.

Brigette Russell said...

It's going to be beautiful. Where are you cooking in the meantime? I remodeled the kitchen in our previous house when I was in the last stages of pregnancy with my third child. I think my MIL actually got to cook the first meal in the new kitchen because I had to go to the hospital.

The 5 Bickies said...

It's looking fabulous!

Tell me your husband hangs kitchen cabinets as well. Unbelievable.

I love your cabinets...thinking of having my wood cabinets painted and glazed to look something like yours! Love them!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Predictable is good, no?

BTW, Google is not forwarding custom domains, but my blog has been updated, please head over. and update your subscription:)

0s0-Pa said...
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0s0-Pa said...

Why it rated PG-13? o_O and I can't wait until I can start remodeling my home... so much work is needed to be done.
-Jack @ Grohe Faucets

Miss E said...

Where did the post go about your dad? I read it in my reader but couldn't find it to comment on. I LOVED it. What a great dad you have! And what an awesome tribute to him on Father's Day. xoxo

Loukia said...

The cabinest are great! LOVE them!

Loukia said...

By the way, your 'graduating sorority sisters' kitchen cabinest are identical to ours!

Anonymous said...

Good blog, nicely done!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I vote for purple accents. ;o)
I can't wait till it's all done and we get to see the after pics!

smilinggreenmom said...

That's one sexy kitchen ensemble you have going LOL! Can't wait to see the finished product :) smilinggreenmom *find me on twitter

Kat said...

Well you just gave me some great ideas! Like my wardrobe, huh? Genius!!!
Love those chandeliers!

Jaina said...

Sounds fabulous to me! I can't wait to see the completely finished product!


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