Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Sweetest Boy I Know

Truly he is. When asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Jay has many answers:

1. An Engineer. So I can build you a pool Mama, in our backyard with no safety breaks and no lifeguards so we can have fun all day long.
2. A Hunter. So I can hunt chicken for you Mama and you can make us chicken nuggets.
3. A Baker. So I can bake so many things for you Mama. We will never have to buy birthday cakes, I will bake all the time for you, Mama.
4. A Dentist. So I can be like Daddy and fix your teeth, Mama. Every time you need me, Mama.

Each day he tells me he loves me and justifies it. "I love you Mama. I love you because you hug and kiss me and do nice things for me and I love you." We were at the mall this morning and he asked for a penny to throw in the fountain. He whispered his wish, "I wish, I wish for our family to be happy forever." His sister wished for a princess to visit her house. He is the sweetest boy I know.

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